organic farming

One of the main aims of Bethany is to follow and teach others about the importance of natural / organic farming. We teach the surrounding people about the dangers of using chemicals in Agriculture.


Bethany has adopted the fully organic way of farming and the vegetables that we cultivate are given exclusively for the aged people. We need three tones of organic manure every year. To have our own organic manure, we bought 50 kgs of African Earth Worms and started with one bed. Now we have approximately 5000kgs of Worms and manure producing eighteen beds. We get enough organic manure for the farm and in future, the excess manure will be sold outside.

Bethany becomes a model organic field in this area and we get chemical-free, healthy products. Apart from this we also have fish farming, Honey Bee Farming, Pigeons and Love Birds, which collect some amount when sold.

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